Questions to Ask Yourself to Know If You are Ready to Retire

You all will retire at one point in your life, and you know this fact very well, but hardly any of you is completely prepared for retirement because you do not see how much money you need at that stage in your life. Experts suggest that you should save at leave 15% of your current …

Is Maintaining Financial Life After Retirement A Challenge? Not at all!

Congratulations, you have finally decided to secure your post-retirement life, great! Well, that is the reason you have landed right here, looking to choose options from personal loans to EPFs, pensions, and more. Let’s face it! Even if you planned carefully for your retirement years, you cannot just blindly depend on your saved finances. Savings …

Myths about Debt Consolidation That Must Be Debunked

Consolidation seems to be the best solution when you have multiple debts. The problem with a lot of debts is that you find it hard to stick to different payment dates, and once it slips through the cracks, you will likely end up paying late payment fees that spiral up the debt. A debt consolidation …

Equity or Debt Financing: Which One Is Your Next Business Partner (Financially)?

Funding your business can be a wonderful gain too. If only you know the correct way to do it. You have got two contradictory funding plans knocking at your door. They are equity financing and debt financing. Both have their plus sides. Both have their disadvantages. You have to let only one in. What would …

How to Prepare Yourself Financially for a Vacation

One thing you can learn from the frequent travellers on their every vacation is detailed financial planning. They spend a small amount of time going through their checklist before the trip to save themselves money and effort. However, the plan for us only includes a few bookings and creating an itinerary for the trip. We …

Why People Should Ditch the Traditions to Enjoy Christmas with Travel?

A traditional Christmas may seem like the ideal option with the decoration, gifts, and family dinner. You will find another alternative in the form of a vacation during the holidays. It will eliminate the overwhelming stress of planning the entire holiday to meet the expectations within the limited budget. Why should people ditch the traditions …